
Truth comes as it is revealed to the individual. There is always so much more truth than that which we have learned over the years. The Bible is a great book but just memorizing the verses does not reveal the truth. The truth is revealed by searching those verses and seeing what they mean.Jesus always spoke in parables. In other words he stated an earthly thing that had a heavenly meaning, So therefore what he said and what he meant were two different things.

The religious leaders of his day would always take what he said and apply it to their teachings that were from under the law.Jesus came not to destroy the law but to fulfill it. This meant he came to bring an enlightment as  to what the law said. One verse says if you eye offends you pluck it out. He was quoting the law but the real truth to the verse is that if your eye offends you remove that which offends you from within you. Another verse teaches it is not what goes in that defiles a man but that which comes out of him. So it is not what the eye sees that is bad but it is what you allow you to accept when you see it. A man can see a nude woman on the street however that nude woman is not the problem. The problem is when you see it and begin to think what you would like to do to her that is the problem.

Truth is also ever unfolding. There is no end to the truth. It may have a beginning with you but it never ends. Much of truth depends on the fact of what you allow yourself to do with truth as it comes your way. Religion as a whole has done much to pollute truth and does everything in their power to keep their members from learning something they don’t believe. Some things you may have understood earlier is not the end of the matter.

We need not condemn others for where they reside in God. I was not always at the point I am now. It took me year to see the revelation I have now. Much prayer and much fasting and a lot of searching the scriptures. We all need to love all creation whatever their walk is in Christ. We are one body of the Lord with many members. All members of the body don’t have the same function. A lot of folks want to be the head so they can be seen. [EGO] It is the parts that are not seen that are the most important. The kidneys and the liver and bowels remove all the poisons from our body. Without them our natural head would die. I pray God gives us more of the parts not seen. The sooner we do is the sooner we all walk in oneness.

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